Its (not) a Ruse

Thursday, August 28, 2008

How to Clean Up a Forwarded Email

Go ahead and hit "forward!" I love the funnies I get. But before hitting send, take a few steps to clean up that message!

Step 1: Place your pointer in front of the first letter or picture that you want to keep. Left click. You may not see anything happen…or you may see a solid blinking line.

Step 2: Scroll down to the end of the last letter or right behind the last picture you want to include in the email. HOLD DOWN THE SHIFT KEY AND LEFT CLICK AGAIN. In this example, the SHIFT+CLICK will be immediately after the word "Rescue." (If you have trouble capturing the last letter, go ahead and cut it off. Put your cursor before the "e" and retype it when you are finished.) The captured part should be highlighted.

Step 3: Follow the steps below to copy the selection and replace the messy message with the cleaned up version:

  1. Hit Control-C to copy the selection (it is now stored in your clipboard)
  2. Hit Control-A to select the entire messy message (now the whole message is highlighted)
  3. Hit Control-V to past the copied selection to replace the messy part

If you mess up, simply "Undo and try again! You can select the beginning point (Left Click) and the end point (Shift+Left Click) in reverse order; it doesn't matter.

Step 4: Clean up the subject line to remove all the "FWD" chains. Easy way: Highlight the text to remove and hit the "Delete" key.

Now your message should be brand new and squeaky clean! It's ready to send!


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